An Tràigh

O Goireasan Akerbeltz
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d' fhaicinn-sa vs thusa fhaicinn

  • weird stuff

di-theine, di-theallaich di-beatha, di-beathte de-theodha de-tibheach (i-tibheach, le-tibheach...)

  • words with strange semantic ranges (usually from English perspective)

amasach càirdeas cearrachd eug-samhail fàsach fulangach grìosad guidhe sonn toirteil bho chionn goirid astar

Stuff that breaks and stuff that doesn't Comann Uibhist is Bharraidh nighean donn bhòidheach

Sortable table
Alphabetic Numeric Date Unsortable
d 20 2008-11-24 This
b 8 2004-03-01 column
a 6 1979-07-23 cannot
c 4 1492-12-08 be
e 0 1601-08-13 sorted.