
O Goireasan Akerbeltz
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'Ga thogail / Under construction

Seo dhuibh taghadh de làraichean inntinneach.

Learning Gaelic

Am Faclair Beag

A searchable Gaelic English dictionary with lots of extra features like sound files. Be sure to check out our dialect maps which will help you cut down the guesswork about which words are still in use and where.


A one stop shot for all the Gaelic software there is. Yes, it's in the Learning Gaelic section, you'd be amazed how much you can learn by repetitive viewing!


A new Gaelic hub for learners with lots of materials, including a very useful map of Gaelic classes and courses around the globe.

Gaelic @ Kelvin College

The only full time Gaelic class in the Central Belt. Yours truly also did this one many years ago.


No, it's not a silver bullet but Ùlpan classes do have some very good features, like making sure all participants get to speak and listen a lot. It also offers a clear progression (well, within Ùlpan) and the possibility of joining other groups if you have to move elsewhere. But it's weak on explanations of "how stuff works" so a lot of people find Ùlpan most effective in combination with more "traditional" forms of learning that offer explanations.

A' cleachdadh na Gàidhlig

Am Baile

Tasglann air leth de ghoireasan a bhuineas do dhualchas is eachdraidh na Gàidhealtachd 's nan Eilean.

BBC Alba - Na Naidheachdan

Faigh naidheachdan o fheadh na h-Alba 's an t-saoghail air an làrach seo, ann an sgrìobhadh, air an uèirleas no air iPlayer no air a' bhogsa fhèin.

Cainnt mo Mhàthar

Tasg-lann Chanadach le iomadh clàradh de Ghàidheil Alba Nuaidh.

Indigenous Tweets

Tha an goireas seo a' cruinneachadh liosta de dhaoine a chuireas a-mach tweets sa Ghàidhlig agus innsidh e dhut dè cho gnìomhach 's a tha iad, dè an ceudad de tweets Gàidhlig agus rudan mar sin.

Iomair Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu

Pròiseact a tha dlùth ri mo chridhe fhèin, gu h-àraidh an Sgoil Choimhearsnachd a theagaisgeas iomadh cuspair eadar Jazz Dance is Esperanto tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig agus na co-fharpaisean taigh-seinnse againn. Fàilte ron a h-uile!

Pròiseact MacGilleMhìcheil

Tha daoine air a bhith air leth trang an stòras prìseil a chruinnich MacGilleMhìcheil a thionndadh 'na ghoireas digiteach a bhios ri làimh an t-saoghail air fad.

Tobar an Dualchais

Tha tasglann Sgoil Eòlais na h-Alba a' dol digiteach mean air mhean agus tha e loma làn de stuthan mìorbhaileach!

Rudan eile

Euskal Herria

Ma tha thu an dà chuid airson tadhal air an dùthaich as annasaiche san Roinn-Eòrpa agus faighinn a-mach mar a chumar beò cànan àrsaidh san 21mh linn, thoir sgrìob a Dhùthaich nam Basgach!


'S e sin an seanail Gaeilge. Ma tha blasad de Ghaeilge agad, gheibh thu iomadh prògram inntinneach ann agus 's urrainn dhut coimhead orra air an lìon, ged nach fhaigh thu iad air saideal as aonais pacaid a' Mhuirich ud <osna>.

Seòladaireachd na làraich
Fuaimean na Gàidhlig - Beagan Gàidhlig - Beagan gràmair - iGàidhlig - Ceanglaichean - Translation - Foillseachadh - CÀBHA - Fios thugainn - l10n for Humans